Professional Resume

Carl Lehrburger, also known as Carell, is an environmental activist, renewable energy entrepreneur, researcher and author. He is a founder and a Director of  PureVision Technology, Inc. and an executive manager of PureHemp Technology LLC. Since founding PureVision in 1992 with his brother Ed Lehrburger, PureVision has developed and is now advancing a breakthrough biorefining technology. An avid explorer, rock art reader and author, Bear & Co. published his first book, Secrets of Ancient America in December, 2014.


Bachelor of Arts, University of Colorado (Sociology major), 1973.

Professional Experience

1996-present: PureVision Technology LLC: Director, Corporate Secretary. Mr. Lehrburger also serves in a senior management role inclusive of business development.

2014-present: PureHemp Technology, LLC. Co-Founder, Secretary, and an executive manager, Carrel is a supply chain professional encompassing genetics, agriculture, processing and branding hemp-based products.

1992-1998: PureVision Technology, Inc. Co-Founder, Director and President.

1989-1993: Waste management consultant and analyst for reusable textile industry.

1988-1992: Energy Answers Corporation (EAC), Recycling Manager.

1987-1995: Solid waste management consultant. Engaged in public and private sector recycling projects.

1981-1987: Participated in several recycling businesses (Denver, Colorado).

1974-1981: Solar Technology Corporation (Denver, Colorado). Founder and CEO from 1980-81.

1973-1974: Director, Environmental Center, University of Colorado, Boulder CO.

Reports and Papers:

“An Emerging Biorefining Technology for the Pulp and Paper Industry”, Carl Lehrburger, Richard Wingerson PhD, Ed Lehrburger, World Renewable Energy Conference VIII, Denver CO, January 2004, Conference proceedings.

“An Emerging Biorefining Platform: Lignocellulosic Biomass Processing Using Reactive Fractionation Technology”, Richard Wingerson PhD, Ed Lehrburger, Carl Lehrburger. World Renewable Energy Conference VIII, Denver CO, January 2004, Conference proceedings.

“Preliminary Feasibility Study: Recovering Cattle Manure Using the PureVision Technology”, April 2003, Report to Colorado Commission on Higher Education, grant GAA TAG 03-04

“USPS Denver Waste Characterization & Materials Management Study”, Jan. 12, 1998, completed with S. Goodman under contract to the U.S. Postal Service Western Area.

“Preliminary Feasibility Report on Producing Ethanol Fuel From U.S. Postal Service Paper Wastes: Phase I Investigative Study”, November 1, 1997, completed under contract to the U.S. Postal Service, Western Area.

“A Solid Waste and Laundering Assessment of Selected Reusable and Disposable Products”, Jocelyn Mullen and Carl Lehrburger, 1991.

“Diapers: Environmental Impacts and Lifecycle Analysis”, Carl Lehrburger, Jocelyn Mullen, C.V. Jones, January 1991 (Report to the National Association of Diaper Services).

“Diapers In the Waste Stream: A Review of Waste Management and Public Policy Issues”, Carl Lehrburger, Jan 1989.

“Out of Sight out of Mind: The Disposable Diaper Myth”, Carl Lehrburger and Rachel Snyder, Whole Earth Review, Fall 1988.